
Showing posts from March, 2017

Working of double wishbone independent suspension system

Double wishbone independent suspension It is the improved form of the front independent suspension system. That provided with damper and coil spring to absorb vertical impact force. And upper and lower control arm to absorb and transfer braking and cornering forces. The above figure shows the component of the double-wishbone suspension system. Working: A double-wishbone suspension is an independent suspension design using two parallel wishbone-shaped arms to locate the wheel in automobiles. Each wishbone or arm has mounting points to the chassis and one joint at the knuckle. The shock absorber and coil spring mount to the wishbones' wishbones to control movement. the upper control arm is smaller compared to the lower control arm to introduce a camber angle in a suspension system. It should be noted that the wheel's direct mounting on the  steering knuckle does not allow a wheel to drive to avoid this ball joint provided at the stub axle part. During the suspension...

Advantages of front independent suspension system

Automotive industries use a large variety of suspension systems to sustain car weight. They develop unique characteristics and advantages in the sense of operating camber and caster angle, engine accommodation space sprung weight, etc. Among several suspension solid axle and independent axle systems used at a large scale. We already discussed the suspension system's function and principle and the classification suspension system depicted below figure. Types of the suspension system The reasons behind the development of an independent suspension system are several disadvantages of the rigid beam axle suspension system as mentioned below: As wheels' mounting is at the end of the rigid beam so, any movement in one wheel is directly the same as another end wheel. It leads to camber and caster angle act simultaneously on both sides, resulting in inaccurate steering geometry. Lower roll stiffness leads to producing the over-steering effect. Minimum wheel adhesion due...

Function of suspension system and it's principle of design

What are the functions of the suspension system in automobiles? To safeguard the occupants against road shocks and provide riding comfort. To keep the body of the motor vehicle on even keel while traveling over rough ground or when turning to minimize the rolling, pitching, or vertical movement tendency. To minimize the effects of stresses due to road shocks on the mechanism of the motor vehicle and provide a cushioning effect. To keep the body perfectly in level while traveling over rough, uneven ground, i.e., the up and down movement of the wheels should be relative to the body. To provide the requisite height to body structure as well as to bear the torque and braking reactions. To react forces produced by the tires-longitudinal (acceleration and braking) forces, lateral (cornering) forces, and braking and driving torques. Principles of suspension system design There are three principles of the suspension system underlying the satisfactory sprin...

Criticle component of suspension system: The Lower Control Arm

Brief about lower control arm A lower control arm is a critical component. It plays an important role in the suspension system's functioning. For accurate and precision working, we must analyze the load act using the  durability testing method . Moreover, the various automobile design concept also has a significant impact, for example,  cam-less concept , advanced suspension system. Sheet metal 3D lower control arm. After studying the  working principle of a double-wishbone independent suspension system. We can easily predict how each part has its critical importance in the suspension system's safe and longtime working. So, it is important to analyze and predict the behavior of various components and systems. A more focused lower control arm of the suspension system operates under the worst and continuous situation. It takes up braking and cornering loads during various wheel movements such as bouncing, rolling, and pitching. So, the lower control arm must ...

Durability testing methods to design lower control arm

What is durability? We all know that each component on earth has its ability to withstand wear, pressure, and damage. Even earth itself has its durability, but it is much higher so that we are still surviving in this polluting, damaging, and pressurizing population. Let's back to our concentrated area of mechanical components, of course. As thought provokes, each fashion fad away by time, similarly the component they wear with time—the damage due to continuous working in highly pressurizing areas. So, at last, you can say that durability is nothing but the ability to withstand wear, pressure, and damage. Significance of durability in Automobile industries And nowadays, the automobile sector is one of the enlarging fields of development. And the durability of automotive components is a critical aspect of product development. Failure in components will lead to serious damage to the design of the component itself and the entire system of the vehicle. This means the design ...